

3100 Little Walnut, Silver City, New Mexico

Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 2012 Photos

Doug explaining how corn is re-seeded to kids from the Bayard Elementary School during their field trip to the farm.
That same week, the school received carrot and cucumber snacks from Townside Farm through a grant from the "Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities" Program.

Kids from Bayard Elementary appreciate the vegetables!

Chelsea womaning our Farmers' Market Table.
Chelsea and Marcus were on the farm as apprentices during September.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

2012 Apprentice Update

    2011 was our first year of receiving an apprentice on the farm.  We appreciated having Phil Debroux helping us out during his summer hiatus from the Soil Science Program at NMSU in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
    In 2012, we are happy to have James Schleppenbach here for a good chunk of the growing season. He is working toward his B.S. in Sustainable Living at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa.  James will receive credit for the Townside apprenticeship that will be applied to his university program. As part of that, he is writing a series of blog posts. You can read them here:
    In August/September, we were fortunate to have Marcus and Chelsea staying on the farm to help us out. They are part of the Catholic Worker movement, and are preparing to take over the management of a farm retreat in Northern California that assists people with HIV.  Marcus made this short video of their experience at Townside Farm:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Spring 2012 Improvements

Solar Hot Water Heater in apprentice area.
 Made from non-working fridge and water heater.
(Shown before and after attachment of polycarbonate cover)

Installation of Shade Structure
(With invaluable assistance from kids from Aldo Leopold High School)